Seabridge Gold (and copper, silver, molybdenum)

Posted in: Gold | 0

All dollar figures US$. All ounces are gold (“Au”) Equiv. It’s astounding how many gold (“Au”) equiv. ounces a single company in B.C. Canada has, yet Seabridge Gold is valued at just $4.8 per ounce [on 287M Au Eq. ounces]. At $2,924/oz. Au & $4.60/lb. copper (“Cu”), this … Continued

Dore Copper –> now Cygnus Metals #copper #gold #lithium in Quebec + Western Australia

Readers are encouraged to always read disclosures/disclaimers at the bottom of every article. On October 15th, Doré Copper announced a merger of equals with, and into, Australian-listed #lithium (“Li“) junior Cygnus Metals. The new tickers for Doré –> Cygnus are (TSX-v: CYG) … Continued