Aston Bay Holdings — near-term, high-grade copper producer

Copper (“Cu”) is indispensable for infrastructure, EVs, renewable energy, grid refurbishments & expansions, the wireless“Internet of Things,” data centers, Cloud/AI, supercomputing, robotics, crypto-currency mining, smart cities, 5G/6G telecom, high-tech electronics, and more. Yet, with the Cu price under pressure since hitting US$5.20/lb. … Continued

Thesis Gold –> 4.7M #Gold Eq. ozs. in B.C., with robust #Silver kicker!

UBS recently raised its price target on #gold (“Au“) to US$2,800/oz., one of the more bullish announcements of the past month. Both Citi & Bank of America said it could reach $3,000/oz. next year. High-grade, top-quality Au projects achieving production … Continued

Is Silver Storm Mining the best way to play #silver’s rise?

$ figures are C$ unless stated otherwise, metal prices are US$, ounces/oz. are silver (“Ag”) equivalent oz… Primary silver (“Ag”) mines benefit most from higher prices. However, 80% of mined Ag is a byproduct of other operations, making supply highly … Continued

Thesis Gold delivers a strong 4.7M oz. #Gold Eq. resource estimate

It’s hard to believe the gold (“Au“) price has soared past $2,100, $2,200, $2,300, $2,400/oz., now sitting at ~$2,320/oz. Gold stock investors don’t quite believe it either. Newmont‘s & Barrick’s share prices remain 50%-55% below all-time highs. Imagine what long-term … Continued