BREAKING NEWS! Citigroup smells money — looks to sell Colonial Coal’s assets

While I’m not surprised, it was nonetheless heralded as BIG NEWS, that Citigroup Inc. (“Citi“) is now leading the charge to facilitate a sale of Colonial Coal’s two hard-coking coal (“HCC“) projects in the prolific Peace River Coalfield of B.C., … Continued

Morien Resources; 2% to 4% royalty on 25+ yr. coking coal mine in Canada

First it was COVID-19 supply disruptions expected to last months but stretching out years, then labor availability / retention issues. Next, Russia invaded Ukraine — another significant, long-term impact on the quantity & security of supply of several key commodities. … Continued

Morien Resources; is its valuable 2%-4% topline royalty on steelmaking coal in Canada undervalued?

Is C*O*A*L” still a dirty word in investment circles? Yes & no. Over the long-term (decades, not years), thermal coal — burned to generate electricity — is unquestionably in secular decline. If nuclear power could scale up faster, it would … Continued