Dore Copper –> now Cygnus Metals #copper #gold #lithium in Quebec + Western Australia

Readers are encouraged to always read disclosures/disclaimers at the bottom of every article. On October 15th, Doré Copper announced a merger of equals with, and into, Australian-listed #lithium (“Li“) junior Cygnus Metals. The new tickers for Doré –> Cygnus are (TSX-v: CYG) … Continued

CoTec Holdings Dir. Tom Albanese shares his wisdom

Readers are encouraged to always read disclosures/disclaimers at the bottom of every article. CoTec Holdings (TSX-v: CTH) / (OTCQB: CTHCF) is a clean-tech/mining company on steroids. It’s moving forward with access to three disruptive technologies. A lot more info can … Continued

Doré Copper + Cygnus Metals, match made in heaven?

Readers are encouraged to always read disclosures/disclaimers at the bottom of every article. TSX Venture-listed Doré Copper is a high-grade #coppper / #gold junior with a very attractive PEA-stage project in Quebec. CEO Earnest Mast is an experienced (30+ years) … Continued