G-Silver, now the fun starts
G-Silver… Sounds cool, right? Well, it was the only cool thing about the Company as silver (“Ag“) languished < US$24/oz. for much of 2023. Not only is G-Silver cool at $31+/oz., but at $40+/oz. it would be downright SEXY. Yes, … Continued
Tocvan Ventures, epic #gold explorer, on the rise
Six months ago I would have been laughed out of the room for talking about US$3,000/oz. gold (“Au“) in 2025… No one is laughing now! Au is up +39% in the past 12 months. If it were to rise another … Continued
Electra Battery Materials, even more positive news
Cobalt = “Co”, Copper = “Cu”, Lithium = “Li”, Nickel = “Ni” Just north & south of the U.S. / Canadian border there continues to be a hotbed of economic activity — tremendous active & planned buildouts [over 30 announced] … Continued
Scorpio Gold, 2H/25 production potential in Nevada
With gold (“Au“) up +37%!! in the past 12 months to $2,628/oz., earnings for producers are coming in hot. And, profits will be even stronger next year, as year-to-date Au has averaged $2,286/oz., ~13% below the current level. UBS, Citi, … Continued